“Why Won’t My Car Start?”
Most of us have had that moment of “why won’t my car start” panic. For instance, you start the ignition, put your foot on the pedal and your engine does zilch. Do you call the roadside rescue, hope for a fast response and work out where your local garage is? After that, you have to consider the expense and bother when you get to the garage. Nevertheless, help is at hand. Let us shed some light over what could be halting your journey and put your mind at rest.
Here are the top reasons why your car won’t start
1. Faulty or Flat Battery
A flat battery is the most common answer to “why won’t my car start.” This is because it’s easy to leave a light or something on while you were parked which has unknowingly drained your battery. Alternatively, it could even be that your battery is old or become faulty, so it’s not holding its charge. You can usually spot this because your sound system, lights or electrics won’t work. Or if they do work, they are weak or sporadic. Also, if you have an electric ignition button, you may find it’s unresponsive or jumpy.
If your battery is flat, it is easily fixed. All you need are some jump leads and another helpful passer-by with a vehicle who’s battery you can use. (In fact, we have driven out to help many local customers when we get their SOS call nearby in Wakefield.) Once your engine kicks in, keep it running and go for a good 20-30 minute drive to recharge the battery. In addition, if you want to be prepared why not buy a compact car battery boost pack and keep it in your car. However, do make sure you keep it charged!
Above all, if you are concerned that your battery is faulty then you are best to get it checked by a trusted garage!
2. Empty Fuel Tank
It sounds obvious, but this is something we find is often the answer to “why won’t my car start.” Just turn on the ignition and look for the warning light on your dashboard. If this is the case, then your quickest solution is to call a taxi or walk to your nearest petrol station where they can sell you a jerry can and some fuel to get you on your way.
3. Broken Starter Motor
When you know your battery is fully charged and the engine won’t start, if you hear a clicking noise then it could be your starter motor. This is the electrical motor connected to your car’s battery that should trigger the engine to start when you turn on the ignition. It can also be an electrical wiring problem, but either way you need it inspected by a professional. Essentially, if you hear loud noises when starting the ignition, you need recovery to your nearest garage.
4. Immobiliser or Faulty Key Fobs
With modern cars, it is all about electronic immobiliser keys, which can lead to your car’s security system not recognising your key. Faulty key fobs will prevent your engine from starting. Often this is down to a flat battery in the fob; a tell-tale sign is usually when the central locking will not operate correctly. So now, it is time to replace your battery. If replacing the battery is impossible where you are, try holding the fob up against the start button and pressing the start button or ignition switch at the same time. Failing that, you may need to contact your local garage for assistance, or get your roadside rescue to take you there.
5. Flooded Engine
We rarely see this problem in modern vehicles, as modern cars have fuel injection systems. However if you have an older or vintage car you may be familiar with this problem. Essentially it is when too much fuel and not enough air get in your engine, often happening when you move just a short distance and stop. For instance, leaving your garage and stopping on your drive. When this happens, try pressing the accelerator pedal to the floor and briefly try to start the engine for a few seconds. Stop if it’s not working after 5-10 seconds stop, otherwise you risk flattening the battery or damaging the starter motor. When it does start, keep it idle for at least for a few minutes. Alternatively, if it doesn’t start then you need recovering to your nearest local garage. We see many older vehicles with this problem, so if you are near Wakefield do give us a call to help.
So, there you have it!
In summary, there can be many reasons why your car won’t start and if one of the above doesn’t match your problem, then call your roadside rescue or local garage for some help. Of course, if you see smoke or your engine is making noises then clearly the problem is more serious. However, in our experience your battery is most commonly at fault. That’s why we offer the below.
Be safe, get a FREE battery check
We always think it’s better to be safe than sorry. So, because car batteries are the number one culprit for cars that won’t start, we offer FREE car battery checks in Wakefield. Why not drop-in, pop your bonnet and let us do the rest? Then, if your battery is faulty or weak, we can replace it for you. Better still, we can check your starter motor, car fob, immobiliser and engine while you are here. Click HERE to find Cross Lane Garage
Need help? Get recovered to us in Wakefield!
In conclusion, its not always expensive when your car won’t start and you can often get it started yourself. However, if you find that your car still won’t start and have called the roadside recovery, then please come to us if you are near Wakefield. Because our fault finding team are the best, you will find that we always get you back on the road safely, quickly and for minimal cost.
Alternatively, if you don’t have roadside assistance and need recovering call us. We have a trusted recovery partner who we can send out to you quickly. Following that, they will bring your vehicle to our specialist repair garage, where we can promptly inspect your car. Next, we will let you know what needs sorting and provide you with a low-cost quote for the work. Meaning that you will be back on the road in no time!
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